As a creative entrepreneur you know how important it is to have great images for your brand. Using stock photography is perfect as it saves you time and money, but wouldn't it be better if no one else was using the same styled images?
With Pixomize you can quickly create your own custom photos in minutes! When you become a member you can download anything from our library full of digital props and backgrounds. Mix and match them to create your own unique images!
As a creative entrepreneur you know how important it is to have great images for your brand. Using stock photography is perfect as it saves you time and money, but wouldn't it be better if no one else was using the same styled images?
With Pixomize you can quickly create your own custom photos in minutes! When you become a member you can download anything from our library full of digital props and backgrounds. Mix and match them to create your own unique images!

Pixomize is a styled stock photography library with a twist. We have a huge range of digital props and backgrounds that you can use to easily create your own photos unique to you!
If you love using stock photography for your blog, business, social media etc. but wish no one else was using the same images as you, then Pixomize is the perfect solution. Each prop has a transparent background and shadow, and can be added to any of the background images available from Pixomize to make a completely unique styled photo. This can easily be done in most photo editing programs!
If you become a Pixomize Member you will gain access to the full library of props and backgrounds. We have four different membership tiers to suit any budget and need! However if you aren’t yet ready to commit to a membership you can try our FREE TRIAL.
Create your own unique styled photos by selecting a background, adding props and arranging them how you like. This can be done in most photo editing software. See our tutorials for more information!
Create your own unique styled photos by selecting a background, adding props and arranging them how you like. This can be done in most photo editing software.

Pixomize membership is for you if:
- You are a blogger, business owner or creative entrepreneur.
- You want professional, consistent and original images for your brand.
- You love stock photography but want unique images that no one else is using.
- You want to use beautiful mockups to display your designs.
- You want to spend less time searching for the perfect image.
- You want to start your own business selling stock photos and mockups (*extended licence/pro membership only*)
With Pixomize membership you can:
- Create your own images unique to you.
- Make photos for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and other social media.
- Customise photos to fit your blog post theme.
- Create cover photos and banners for Facebook, Etsy etc.
- Create your own frame/t-shirt/mug/card/invite/tote bag mockups to display your prints and designs.
- Make custom images and icons for your website.
- Create photos and mockups to sell through your own business (*extended licence/pro membership only*)
Pixomize membership is for you if:
- You are a blogger, business owner or creative entrepreneur.
- You want professional, consistent and original images for your brand.
- You love stock photography but want unique images that no one else is using.
- You want to spend less time searching for the perfect image.
- You want to start a business selling styled stock photography (pro membership only)
With Pixomize membership you can:
- Create your own images unique to you.
- Make styled photos for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and other social media.
- Customise photos to fit your blog post theme, the perfect image for your post.
- Create mockups to display your products in your online shop.
- Create cover photos and banners for Facebook, Etsy etc.
- Make custom images and icons for your website.
- Start a business selling styled stock photography (pro membership only)
“Pixomize is so easy to use! I’ve had tons of fun using the beautiful digital props to create a mockups for my Etsy shop. I was able to make digital scenes for a variety of different seasons and occasions. The digital props are high quality and easy to place and transform using Photoshop. The video tutorials were easy to follow; Rachel herself was also quick to respond to my questions and special requests. Highly recommend!”
– Tania from Stripes and Chevron
“The photos are crisp, large format, and great quality. Rachel’s work is also very current with today’s styles and trends. Now, my website pictures are unique from all the others on the market. I know where I’ll be going when I need more graphical elements to add to my library. Thank you, Rachel! Keep up the good work.”
– Leslie P. from Sage and Serendipity
See below for some ideas and inspiration of what you can create using your Pixomize Membership!
Try Before You Buy
Love the idea of creating your own unique images with Pixomize but want to try it out before committing to the membership? Then try our FREE TRIAL With this 7 day FREE trial you can download up to 10 digital props, so you can practice arranging them in editing software to see if it's right for you!